Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jon Stewart Response

As a John Stewart fan myself, I found the excerpt very entertaining. Like always, Jon brings to light numerous fallacies among politics. One fallacy that was discussed in the excerpt was hasty generalization. This fallacy was included as they talked of illness such as leprosy being brought into the country through illegal immigrants (Mexicans). The argument stated that because one Mexican may have brought the disease into the states, then they all will bring it in as well. Another fallacy included was the slippery slope fallacy. this fallacy was included as the "expert" stated that as leprosy is at a certain number now, it will grow to mass numbers in the future as Mexican immigration continues and grows. Another fallacy used to support the "experts" argument was that of appealing to authority. He used this fallacy as he showed many excerpts of respected TV hosts or politicians making the same fallacious remarks as himself, hoping to strengthen his argument by showing that respected figures shared the belief. A last fallacy used was the appeal to ignorance fallacy. This was used as the guest had a lack of evidence if any at all and used it to create an expanded argument that was taken much further than the original small piece of evidence (that a Mexican immigrant may have had leprosy). All in all the clip was rather entertaining as Jon never fails to point out the logistical imperfections in politics, and does so with witty sarcasm.

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