Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tim O'Brien Response

Tim O'Briens work is captivating in that he tries to capture the audience through stories that are raw and hold no bull shit. He makes sure to keep all that is fake and untrue out, all which is the expected effort of other authors. an Effort to bring about some deeper meaning and morality, and bring it through fairytale untruths. He talks of war and actual events. He writes about the truths; not about deep thoughts that try to conclude the reader with some deeper meaning that was never there to begin with. As with his war stories he writes of what is real, of soldiers who are scared. Soldiers who are not looking for answers but soldiers who only want to be home free. He speaks of war stories to the exact contrary that civilization expects from them. There is no moral in war; no happy endings that leave you uplifted. He makes sure the audience knows that it is exactly the opposite and if you have been left with any of these thoughts then the story that put them in your head was a lie. One excerpt in the article explains that they would lay on recon, motionless in bushes for days. The quiet and inactivity would get to there heads and they would hear parties occurring down field. The noise heard by the soldiers is concluded only with men becoming more and more crazy. Tim O'Brirns excerpt was a great read in that it exposed to me that good writing must contain truth. It cannot beat around the actual facts to try and create a false conclusion that leaves the reader happy. The excerpt is a reminder to practice truthful writing, writing that engages readers senses; doing so through truth. Thus creating a more real and impactual conclusion for the reader. Don't write fake, write RAW.

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